Peaceful Kids

The Peaceful Kids program is a mindfulness and positive psychology program created by
Wellbeing For Kids to lessen anxiety and stress and increase resilience in children.
The 8 week program for children and teenagers that may be experiencing anxiety and stress. The program has been created to provide the skills, practice, therapy and support that children can use to overcome the symptoms of anxiety and stress.
Andrea teaches many life-long coping skills such as: a range of mindfulness meditations, positive psychology exercises, techniques to lesson worrying, problem solving strategies, facing challenges step-by-step, understanding and recognising their own feelings and being in the moment and enjoying the present.
Weekly program
Andrea facilitates the Peaceful Kids program to age groups of 5-7 and 8-11, however does cater her program to fit the age range of children who participate. Please contact Andrea for more information & to express your interest.
Private sessions
Andrea also offers private sessions of Peaceful Kids with young people, please contact Andrea for more information on these sessions. Self-managed & planned-managed NDIS is also available.
School programs
Andrea also facilitates the Peaceful Kids program in schools, during school hours. If your school is interested in facilitating the program, please contact Andrea.
For more information on the Peaceful Kids program, please contact Andrea. For teenagers (ages 12 and above), Andrea also facilitates the Peaceful Teens program.